A Budgie Story

Our first pets had names that were not very exciting:

The first rabbits were named ‘Mr and Mrs Rabbit’.

The first sheep were named ‘Mrs Baa One’, ‘Mrs Baa Two’ and ‘Mrs Baa Three’.

Our first budgie arrived when I was about six years old. He was green and my sister named him ‘Kermit’, a more interesting name.

We did not have Kermit for long. On a sunny day his cage was hung in the garden in a tree. The bottom fell out of the cage and he flew away.

After Kermit, we got two female budgies called ‘Pretty Girl Blue’ and ‘Pretty Girl Yellow’. Can you guess what colours they were?

Mum taught Pretty Girl Blue to shake hands. If one of us put our finger in the cage in front of her, and said ‘shake hands’ she would put one claw gently on that finger and let it be moved up and down.

Mum regularly let the budgies out of the cage to fly around the kitchen / dining room. She made little signs to go on the outside doors and drew pictures of budgies on them so anyone coming in knew to be careful to not leave the door open and let a budgie out.

One day our friend Mim visited and the budgies were in their cage and making a lot of noise.

“Why are they noisy?” She asked my sister.

“Oh, they want a fly.” My sister replied.

Mim pointed to a big blow fly that was crawling up the glass of a nearby window.

“Do they like their flies alive or do you kill them first?” She asked.

My sister explained to Mim that the budgies would like to go for a fly around the room, and we did not feed them flies. But first, she had to stop laughing.

Once out, the budgies would not go back inside their cage until they were hungry. It could be hours before they were safely inside and we could shut the cage door and take the signs down.

The budgies didn’t learn to talk, but they did like to tweet. If there was any noise, they would tweet along with it. One of their favourites was Mum’s very loud, old electric mixer. Before we got budgies, it was difficult to talk to each other when the mixer was going. With budgies tweeting and the mixer going, any conversation was impossible.

Pretty Girl Yellow started laying eggs. Mum would collect them and put them in the fridge and show them off to visitors. Mum used them to bake with and the baking tasted just fine.

Pretty Girl Yellow was also a grump with bad social skills. When there was any new food in the cage, she’d shove Pretty Girl Blue out of the way and get to it first.

Pretty Girl Blue was the calmest budgie I have ever known. She just Pretty Girl Yellow be the grumpy budgie and she just cruised along. She outlived Pretty Girl Yellow by years and died at a ripe old age (for a budgie).

Our next Budgie was grey and I got to name her. I was determined to call her something that was not boring, and after a lot of thought I shortlisted two options:

‘Tweetie Pie’


‘Baxter’ (We thought she was a boy in the beginning)

I told Dad my two options and he said “What about ‘Tweetie Pie Baxter Pie’?”

I said “Hmmmmmm.”

Then Dad said “Or you could call him ‘Pie Tweetie Pie Baxter Pie.”

Dad’s suggestion was so un-boring that I decided that it would be the budgie’s name.

I wrote down the budgie’s name on the shallow box that the cage sat in, but I couldn’t spell Tweetie.

So the little (female) budgie ended up being named:

‘Pie Tweedy Pie Baxter Pie’

Conversations with the cat #1

Cat: Hi! I’ve jumped on the table! I’m clever!

Me: No cats on the table, but you can come here and sit on my knee.

Cat: Okay, will you pat me?

Me: Yes.

Cat: purrrrrrrr.

Me: Would you like me to pat your chin?

Cat: Yes! PURRRR!

Me: Now, please remember, no cats are allowed on the table.

Cat: Please pat the other side of my chin. Oh, PURRRRR!

Me: Are you going to be good today?

Cat: Can I have something to eat?

Me: No, you have had your breakfast.

Cat: I’m getting bored.

Me: Wild you like to jump down?

Cat: Can I bite you?

Me: No.

Cat: Can I pleeeeeease bite you? I will only use my teeth a little bit, like this!

Me: Okay, time to get off my lap!

Cat: Oh look! There’s a small tree blowing in the wind in the garden! I will look out the window and stare at it!

Me: Did you have to use the claws on all four feet when you jumped off my knee?

Cat: Can you bring me that tree?

Me: No.

Cat: MEOW! I want it! MEOW!

Me: Here, have a fluffy ball with a bell inside it.

Cat: OH WOW! I will chance it! It must die!

Me: Good Cat.

Cat: Okay, I have caught and mauled the ball. I’m going to have my nap inside the couch now. See you in a few hours.


A couple if days ago I flew in an aeroplane for the first time in years.

When I last flew, most people checked in at the airport with a human behind a desk. There were computers that could be used to check in, but most people didn’t know how to use them. Some of the airport staff stood around and invited people out of the queue to come over and check in with a computer instead!

This time the only option was to check in with a computer at the airport.

I typed in my booking reference.

The computer asked me if my hand bag was less than 7kg.

I pressed’ yes’ because it would be pretty silly to have a handbag that weighed more than 7kg. It would make my arm tired.

The computer asked me if I had any big bags to check in.

I pressed ‘no’ because I had already couriered my things up to my destination in advance, because I wanted to make sure they got there.

The computer showed me lots of pictures of prohibited items, fireworks and rats and things like that, and asked me if I had any in my checked-on baggage.

I pressed ‘no’ because I didn’t have any checked-on baggage, but the computer must have forgotten this already.

The computer showed me the seat I had chosen when I booked my ticket on the internet and asked me if I still wanted that seat.

I pressed ‘yes’ because I had picked a window seat in row 4 so I could see the propeller of the aeroplane.

So I sat in the airport watching planes and watching people until my boarding call was made.

I gave my husband a hug goodbye and boarded the plane.

During preparation for take off I watched the propeller start up, and it was exciting because it was still and then it moved! I love machinery!

Then we took off and I watched the scenery out of the window get smaller and smaller as the aeroplane got higher and higher!

Then the aeroplane just kept flying and I could see teeny tiny hills and roads and rivers.

Then we flew into clouds! It was so long since I had been in an aeroplane that I had forgotten that clouds are in layers. The aeroplane flew between two layers of clouds and being between two layers of clouds made me feel very special.

Then after we had been flying what seemed like forever (but it was actually only an hour) an announcement was made that we were descending and we were to put away our tray tables, fasten our seat belts and keep our seats upright.

My tray table was away and my seat was upright and so I just made sure my seatbelt was nice and tight.

Then the plane dropped a little bit in a hurry and it gave me a fright and I gripped the armrests and the I realised there was a button on one armrest that I had not noticed.

I looked at the button and wondered what it was for and then I realised that it must be the button to press to recline the seat.

Then the plane dropped a little bit more in a hurry and gave me another fright and I said to myself:
“Do NOT press the button! The voice told us not to recline our chairs! DO NOT PRESS THE BUTTON!”

The problem was, that if there is a button that I know I should not press, all I want to do is PRESS THE BUTTON!

I sat on my hands to stop myself pressing the button.

The plane dropped a couple more times in a hurry and I got a couple more frights and because I now could not grab the arm rests I pushed myself as far back into my (very upright) chair that I could.

Then we landed! Yay!

I looked out the window, which I had not done for a while and I saw the propeller of the plane, but because I was so far back in my chair I only saw the tip of the propeller and it looked different and I thought: “Wow, there is another aeroplane right next to this one, I didn’t think they were allowed get that close to each other.”

Then I leaned forward in my seat properly and I saw that I was looking at the propeller of the aeroplane I was in and then I wanted to laugh and I tried really hard not to laugh so I just ended up smiling a lot.

So, in theory, on my flight home next week I should be all prepared: as long as I don’t think about the button on my armrest and remember there is a propeller outside my window, it should be an uneventful flight!